Monday, November 19, 2007

Pucked Up ~ sex talk

A kiss isn’t just a kiss, or simply a precedent to sex and foreplay. Most men simply don’t realize how important a first kiss is to a woman. Kissed for the first time by a new or potential lover, a woman decides right there and then whether you’re in for a second, longer dive.

Good kissers make an unshakable impression. If you can kiss with much sensuality and confidence that the only option for your kiss victim is to beg for more, you can expect the other party to have opinions of you higher than the roof above your head. It’s bonus points for physical attraction, and it gets you very far – often into the bedroom.

Of course, I am in no position to give you a crash course on how to kiss well, or rate the standard of your smooch on the kissing scale. It is a learned etiquette, a language of a lover, and you may have already developed a signature style of your own. Good kissers have a range of techniques and types of kisses for every occasion at their disposal.

A lot of (first) kisses happened in clubs, for some reason, while you’re giddy with groovy music pumping in your ears and alcohol pumping in your blood. Everyone looks cuter, don’t they, in that supernatural nightlight swirling around you. But that doesn’t mean abandoning all rationality and diving straight into the lusty kill hoping it might get you a sneak to the toilet for a naughty quickie, especially if it’s a first kiss. Regardless of the location, take note of a little helpful advice!

1. Check your breath.

Bad breath is a major turnoff. Be mint-ready, and eat something light the meal before the special moment, if you meant it to be.

2. Test the waters.

You’ll need to feel the other party out, and finding the right moment. You don’t want a forced kiss and a hell lot of embarrassment. If you have trouble reading signs, make a move on him or her by getting closer and check the reaction. Make shifting glances from the lips and eyes. Response should be positive before you move on, if he/she backs out, you do that too, no matter how much you want it. Save some dignity for yourself.

3. Start slow.

And that does not involve your lips yet. Body language is important prior to that moment when lips touch. Reach to touch his/her arms, or the waist, or the small of the back. When both of your lips meet, don’t dive the tongue in just yet. There shouldn’t be too much groping wetness.

4. Variety, please!

Don’t stick to one boring form of kissing! Add surprises, and not too much tongue. Don’t engulf your kisser in your mouth either. You can move from short, soft kisses to longer, deeper and more intense ones. Change the angle of your head, and remember to breathe.

5. Kissing doesn’t just happen on the lips.

Body parts included. Go for small pecks and nibbles on the neck, the earlobes when the heat is turning up.

After your deed, come back and tell us about your steamy first kiss!

Thursday, September 13, 2007


( copy from a china site)


1)小丸子 女 26岁 DJ:完事后他对着光屁股的我开始放声高唱


2)泽拉 男 29岁 电子工程师:我尽力了。她还在喊再大力。


3)胡戈 男 38岁 会计:那次我能想起来的就是那根老豆角


4)西西 女 27岁 设计师:他愤怒踢狗的样子令我顿时性冷谈


5)戴夫 33岁 男 公关公司职员:做爱到一半她告诉我想分手


6)里三 男 24岁 销售:她不知道我已经全部进去了


7)麦克 男 32岁 销售经理:老婆问我叫的对不对。


8)丹丹 女 25岁 护士:亲热时被蚊子饱餐。


9)阿香 女 36岁 服务行业:他的牙齿突然掉了出来


10)南钟 男 34岁 机关职员:烟灰缸里发现一个避孕套。


11)列夫 男 28岁 模特:她问昨晚我们做了那事吗?


12)大鹏 男 25岁 警察


Tuesday, July 10, 2007