as yesterday event postmortem, exhibition meeting i really feel every one are selfish, every one have own agenda.cut line, set own rule & broke it own self.
Just like ivan say's. our company are like the TVB movie 宮心計( dont really know coz dint watch). but our company are not a big a one, our staff + management are not more than 30 ppl. y can this happen, funny rite?
can really c the fake face of them... if v r small v r really small fly in their eye.
After so many "consultation" with esther, i still unable to convince her. i can really feel how a management feel when the staff wanted to leave and with a strong will. & all i can say is I cant bare your future, i have done all the best i can in my level. i thank you so much for all you have done & i'm sure miss u.
after 2day i really understand the quote "in this world there nothing say without any one the thing cant work or must have somebody"
within 1 year the marketing team of 5 soon going to b 1.
ai... marketing team soon to be Lonely.
from jeff,angel,nica now esther.... i belief all of u are doing far more better than wat u doing when u'r here.
i wish all the best & i miss working with u guys.
But no worry beside the loness & missing u guys i will work my self up.