Yesterday after eve friend's wedding dinner @ Seremban, and a Yam cha section @ friendster cafe sunway. a last minute arrange to euphoria, & i get respond from few of my Kaki lol, finally i can step my foot in there.
After i been there last night only 1 word say about Euphoria is it really WORTH of money. it have awesome design ( all covered by sponge, no idea wat it 4. nice toilet. VIP booth * ps: was able to snake in lol) , nice music, clean place( lol, dont know can maintain how long) . its was so difference than others, it have XXL dance floor, big speakers with super bass which made the floor like it alife, dancing with us and no smoking on the floor. so wat say u? itz cool enough?
best thing is this is another place after Maison Kl, Sanctuary The Curve i will not feel bored to be there.
ya la.. everyone of us no make up.. carry bag.. especial me and ur friends.. carry laptop.. damn heavy ler .. bro.. zzz
lol!!! thats why !!! thank guys and gals!!! love u alot!
Seein ur face tat word to describe 'HAPPINESS", lol. u realli excited tat nite and use Lei J camera taking pics around tim..butm glad u pretty enjoy, =P
Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)
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